Westgate Road

vPPR Architects has received planning permission for six residential units in Dartford by using architectural ‘mimicry’ to allow the building blend into a sensitive context. This includes carefully considering the form and scale of the block, as well as the use of patterned materials on the exterior.


  • Use: Residential
  • Location: Dartford, Kent
  • Status: Planning
  • Size: Residential 3449m²
  • Date: Ongoing



Located along Westgate Road, the development is curved to match the bend in the road and therefore soften its relationship to the surrounding area. The site also slopes from west to east and so the project steps up to account for the level change, while also providing separation between the homes. By placing recessed slots along the north and east façades, the building resembles the scale of a typical terrace house. This approach is continued on the west façade with the introduction of bay windows that further echo the nearby houses.

Site location

The elevations are conceived as a “woven” brick façade, taking inspiration from the playful stripes and patterns of the buildings within the local context. The weave is achieved through an English bond of two different tones of bricks and brick panels below the windows with extruded header bricks that create a play of light and shadow. Terraces and balustrades are cut into the building, employing a deep red colour that contrasts with the principle façade so that it can be read as a shadow gap.

All the homes are dual aspect and benefit from generous layouts. The living areas are located on the more prominent corners of the site which provides plentiful light and views in two directions. The bedrooms are located on the more private south elevation. Recesses into the building allow for nested terraces that are directly accessible from the living rooms, providing amenity space for the units that enhance privacy both for the residents and the surrounding neighbours. Balconies on the east façade area accessible from both the bedroom and the living room, producing a indoor/outdoor spaces that break up the length of the elevation and provides dual aspect lighting to the bedrooms.